8bitdo SN30 Pro Gulikit Hall Effect Upgrade Install
The new 8bitdo SN30 Pro Controllers come with Gulikit hall sensors and it got me thinking about upgrading my older model with hall effect sticks. Google did not give me the information I was looking for because apparently the discussion on this topic is buried too deep in reddit threads for the new AI to care about helping people find proper information. So I am posting this on my website hoping that anyone looking for the correct information on how to upgrade their older SN30 Pro with Hall Effect analog joysticks, so you can enjoy the zero drift life.
TLDR: You need a PS4 and Xbox style stick for the install to work. “SN30/SF30 Pro: PS4 style right stick, Xbox style left stick, Pots measured at 2.5K ohms 3.3V VCC”
First I will give you my sources, and hope they don’t get deleted. I will post screenshots just in case they ever do.
Main Reddit Thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/8bitdo/comments/1h3qab4/sn30_pro_non_halleffect_upgrade_with_tmr_sticks/
This new comment from Mzahids sums up pretty well what’s going on:
Adding this to the thread as a running record of what I know so far, will update if I can get more info:
SN30/SF30 Pro: PS4 style right stick, Xbox style left stick, Pots measured at 2.5K ohms 3.3V VCC
Pro 2: PS4 style right stick, Xbox style left stick, Pots measured at 2.2K ohms
PS4: PS4 style pinout, Pots measured at 10K ohms 3.3V VCC
PS5: PS5 pinout, Pots measured at 2.3K ohms 1.8V VCC
Xbox One/Series/Elite: Xbox pinout, Pots measured at 10K ohms 1.8V VCC
Switch Pro: PS4 style pinout, Pots measured at 10K ohms

He also links to a diagram that can be helpful:

As you can see in the diagram the PS4 and Xbox have VCC and Ground switched on the side. You need a PS4 stick on the right and an Xbox on the left. You could swap the sensors and just by a PS4 or Xbox kit, or you can order one kit of each and use the correct sticks.
Another user on the main reddit thread “ThatOnePerson” also posted this: https://old.reddit.com/r/8bitdo/comments/1h3qab4/sn30_pro_non_halleffect_upgrade_with_tmr_sticks/m1uctov/
“I’ve had success on my SN30 Pro: https://i.imgur.com/Oc1ZiGn.jpeg
I first tried some cheaper Xbox hall effect sticks, but they didn’t work properly. I think it was a voltage issue, cuz I’m not sure if PS4/Xbox controllers use 3.3V actually. I was getting 2.8V on the signal in the middle.
edit; It looks like Xbox is 1.8V and PS4 is 3.3V, so for the SN30 Pro, the PS4 hall effects might be more compatible. I did get both versions of the cheaper hall effect, and the sensors look different. Will try the PS4 stick later
Anyways, gave up on the cheap sticks, and put the Gullikits Xboxs in (including the one I swapped an axis with the dualsense controller). I swapped the axis on one for the “Dualshock 4-style pinout”, and yeah it works fine.
I get 8.4% circularity error on both sticks with hardwaretester.com’s gamepad tester.”

If you solder on the wrong stick, it will short VCC and Ground and the controller will not turn on. I learned this the hard way. Once I installed the correct sticks it worked perfectly, BUT… DO NOT USE BROWSER BASED CONTROLLER TESTERS and they will lie to you!
https://joypad.ai – showed my right analog stick as not inputting up or down and https://hardwaretester.com/gamepad showed all the wrong buttons in the wrong places. Steam’s controller input tester worked perfectly.
I did not need to calibrate.
These are the sticks I used: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806096533784.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.28.652f1802pg1W0F&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa

All in all it was less than $7 and I just needed to learn all this to make it work. Hopefully I will save you some time with this information.
If you are interested in having me upgrade your SN30 Pro with Hall Sensors, feel free to contact me and I will give you a quote.